Saturday, March 18, 2006
An author friend of mine Leigh Wyndfield, put together some stats on promotion and time.. Time.....Your biggest assett....How much is it worth.. •Math Problem Illustrates the Issue: –First, give yourself a salary - $10/hour –Then calculate the amount of time an activity will take – A reader’s loop takes an hour of your time per day/5 days per week, 4 weeks per month –How much will you get “paid” during this time? $200/month –At $2/book royalties, calculate how many books you must sell to make the activity worth it. In this case, are you getting an increased lift of 100 books per month? –Now, it’s more complicated than this, because you are building rapport with these folks so they’ll buy all your books and spread the word for you BUT do these activities really pay off. I found these stats really eye opening. So many people feel pressured to interact on the loops....but do they pay off? What DOES pay off? Take your sales, and your time, over a small window of time, and see your growth. MEASURE the results. Does your next book sell more? Do the loops for one release but only advertise the next. TEST the results. Measure you time. Would you make more money and go further in your career by writing another book? By getting that agent proposal done? By making your website more exciting to get people coming back to you? By building your newsgroup and spending time with YOUR captive audience? These are all things we will be covering in the RED HOT class April 3-6th as well! ![]()