Monday, March 20, 2006
On this blog I will share promotional tips for all points in career. For some that is finishing a book and taking the big agent step: I have had the opportunity to assist some of my promo clients with agent proposals(I do promo work and write) and , of course, I have seen some succeed in getting an agent and even a NYC deal, and others not. It's such an exciting and scary step. Exciting is the key word though! I try to offer suggestions and hope they help.. -One -Know the agents you are querying. Pick a target list and have a reason for picking them. Don't just send out tons of letters and not have a plan. Remember a good agent is the goal not just AN AGENT. I did the get a bad one thing. I lost a year towards my career. RESEARCH. Also why beat yourself or your pocketbook up sending out queries to for sure NO'S? That just beats up your confidence for no reason. -Two- Do a letter. A bio that is about your writing not about your gardening habits and the movies you love lol...PROOF it. Get it proofed. Make it shine. The agents and the publishing houses are effected by a bad economy. Most are doing more with less staff. Why get ruled out because you didn't proof or format properly. It would be the pits to get ruled out for being too much future work in their eyes when your writing is wonderful! Go to Charlotte's site and look up NYC formatting. It's a great detailed write up of how to format. -Three- THE HARDEST ONE OF ALL - Be patient - Send out some letters. If you get no's revamp. What did you change? An example...I have a book my agent is going to shop. When we first talked about how to pitch it we talked it out.. There were two options. One brought out the kick butt heroine theme rather than just the paranormal theme. Maybe your pitch is off just a little..If you send them all out at once you can't adjust. You have lost. I know its hard not to rush at things. We are forced to hurry up and wait and its torture. I've decided writers have to pass a WAIT test and prove we can do it before we succeed. I sadly believe I walk the line of failing the WAIT line often lol! -Lastly - Interview the agent if you get an offer. BELIEVE you are good enough because you are! Don't feel like the lesser. This is easier said than done. We are soooo happy to have our agents, we don't want to rock the boat. It feels so big to get one. BUT believe me, its painful to live a bad one. Ask your RWA group, the lists, other writers, WHAT you should ask and make a list. AGAIN, I failed at this the first time! It is so darn discouraging to feel you take a step back and leave. And some people don't leave. YEARS pass and they stick with that first choice fearful of being without again. Fearful it puts them on a different level of closeness and success. I hope this helps a little:) ![]()