Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Hello all!! The RED HOT Promotions class starts Monday!! Only a few more days to sign up. One of the classes is catering to a publisher so I have sectioned them off and I have a small group starting the 3rd so we have room for some in that class. I try to group people in ways that they get the most from class. So email me if you are interested. FOUR days and basically you have me as your teacher and servant for that time:) I will work with you one on one on anything and all you need to take it to the next level! Lisarenjones@aol.com Now, onward...Promo tips! That's what you came for! Sorry I am a bit behind. Deadlines snuck up on me. AUTHORS - DON'T MISS THESE FREE PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES One of the top reference sources for librarians in selecting what to buy, What Do I Read Next, is currently open to submissions. You can send your ARCs and cover flats to What Do I Read Next, c/o Shelley Mosley, 8619 N. 53rd Dr., Glendale, AZ 85302. For authors with over five books to their credit, send your titles and information to Shelley for possible inclusion in the new Biocritical Romance Dictionary. The dictionary is a combined effort of Shelley Mosley, 2001 winner of Romance Writers of America's Liberian of the Year Award, and John Charles, the 2002 winner of the Romance Writers of America's Librarian of the Year Award. For specific details, you can reach Shelly at deborahshelley@mindspring.com. ![]()